Ryan Sheehy
Frequently Requested Keynotes/Breakouts
10 Ways Every Educator Can Be The One For Kids-Keynote
Be The One For Kids is a simple yet profound message and we should all start having the conversation of how we can Be The One For Kids. This keynote takes the audience on a journey through education, by hearing engaging stories about my journey, the impact we all have, and how we can all unleash our power to change the lives of our students. This keynote lists 10 ways that every educator can Be The One For Kids. The audience will leave inspired and encouraged to do whatever it takes for kids.
Unleash Your Power- Keynote
Unleash Your Power is a Keynote session that talks about: Creating a mindset of every child belongs and every staff member does as well. I will take you step by step on how I transformed a school campus and created a place where staff and students wanted to be, even at night. We explore the audiences why and how they build connections. Together we can change the game of education. Audience members will walk away with simple concepts to change the narrative of their school and classroom.
Principals In Action are leaders who believe in getting out of their office and connecting with others. Through Twitter and Voxer, Principals In Action are connected to share ideas, challenge each other, offer support, and lean on during tough times.
Be An Educator In Action- Breakout
We will go on a journey through stories and ways that they can simply enhance your teaching practices and build relationships. By being an educator in action we can provide more meaningful support and build stronger relationships. We must get out of our classrooms and office and get into action! Audience members will leave with a renewed sense of how every educator can play an active part in every student's life.